Sleepless Nights.

Sleepless Nights.

Since 2005 I don’t remember ever sleeping through the night. Whether I am waking up from pain or just to go to the bathroom my sleep always seems to be interrupted. Usually the most sleep I get is 3 or 4 hours and one’s body needs 7 to 8 in order regenerate and heal from the day before. I also suffer from night terror.  Just in case you are not familiar with click on the term below.. I also wake up crying or screaming.  My husband usually has to wake me up when I fall asleep . Lately I have been waking up to the feeling like I am being electrocuted in my back . It is kind of like someone is taking a taser to my body. My doctors think it is muscle spasms but I think it is my nerves trying to regrow.  I had them all cut out of my thoracic spine in May of 2016.  Nothing works for me to get a peaceful nights rest. Night Terror

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