The Challenge

The Challenge

Last month I won a 30 day shred challenge.. πŸ™…β€β™€οΈI actually couldn’t even believe that I won it there was over a hundred people in it who all did freaking fabulous. When I read that I had won first place I dropped my bowl of green beans and burst into tears .

I joined the challenge because I needed the accountability. I needed to get my mind and my body in sink after my last spine surgery. I felt like I was spiraling out of control and I did not want my old habits to creep back it.

We donated $500 to Boston Children’s Hospital and I personally one 750$. that’s awesome for doing what I love.
But what I didn’t talk about was for me to loose 15 pounds and 8 inches around my waist was that I had to work 4 times as hard as everyone else.
Chronic pain rides me hard everyday And anyone with chronic pain can tell you everyday varies from one day to the next no matter what you do. I also had a weight lifting restrictions from the neurosurgeon. Doing any form of cardio for more than 5 minutes I immediately lose feeling in my arms and legs. So creativity is probably an understatement in the way I took on workouts for this challenge.

What I had to get serious about was my food. If you follow me then you already know that I’m aligned with an awesome nutritional company. So that takes two meals right out of the way during the day but I had to fill in the gaps with four other meals. Shit and that’s hard to do when you’re in chronic pain and going through perimenopause.
I’m a raging, hormonal ,psyco,but kind and caring bitchπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. πŸ€—πŸ€”πŸ˜‘πŸ€―πŸ€’πŸ˜­
Also food does things to my body now that it never did in the past. Certain stuff makes me bloated, achy ,gassy and migrainey ( is that even a word) . It is now.

So let me get to the point, you know how they say that you can overdo it when you exercise, not me. I need to be moving. Some people can get in and out of the gym in 40 minutes . It takes little old me two and a half hours. I’m okay with that. I have to go in and foam roll then move on to the dynamic warm up for about a half an hour. Then my favorite, I lift weights slow and steady. I’m at it for a while. I really enjoy it .I take every single emotion I have that’s filled up inside me and I put it to the bar.

Next I get my ass in the pool because I can’t do abs on land and it feels good to float .I stretch my body and I challenge myself. Off to the hot tub I go to soothe all the stuff that I just have inflamed and pulled apart. By the time I’m done and out of the gym it’s been 3 hours.. Every movement I make is concentrated and calculated on. One wrong movement and I’m down for the count for not just a day but it could be months. I used to think of all the bad things then came along with the accident and this incurable disease I have but now I think about all the wonderful things that have happened. How many times I have picked myself up again and got to this point. Each time coming back faster, stronger , and better than before. My mental clarity gets clearer and clearer after each surgery instead of going in reversal like it was. This past 30-day transformation challenge I put my mind and my body to the test and I love the way that I feel. It’s amazing what happens when you hold yourself accountable for 30 days.

I had a kick-ass accountability partner that I talked too at least once if not multiple times a day and when I wasn’t feeling it she gave me the little boost that I needed. There’s a difference in me now that was never there before. I used to think of myself in the terms of ” Sick ” because that’s exactly what I was. Not anymore. I will always have this disease and I maybe declining according to my doctors but I don’t consider myself sick. I’m healthy and for the first time in my life I have a purpose ,a path and a vision.